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Core EQ Blog

Dr Deborah Hann
Jun 15, 202411 min read
Lawyers - its time to joust
Beyond Burnout - the Unsafe Legal Workplace Why are lawyers burning out? Why do so many good people leave the profession? Or stay and...

Dr Deborah Hann
Mar 30, 20241 min read
Silencing the Advocate
And so the predictable pattern continues. What power to silence the advocate's voice proposing a revitalised approach to lawyers...

Dr Deborah Hann
Mar 15, 20245 min read
Stunted Growth in Legal Education: Strategies for Progress
Epilogue An Ethnographic Tale From an in-between place to a fresh field. Actors themselves make everything, including their own frame,...

Dr Deborah Hann
Mar 7, 20243 min read
Silos and Swim Lanes: the Australian Academy of Law
A Shared Birthday 2007 In 2007 I completed my PhD "Lawyers Practising Learning: Reshaping Continuing Legal Education" in which my main...

Dr Deborah Hann
Feb 26, 20246 min read
Post Admission Learning - stakeholders standing back
Workforce Upskill Recently in Australia it has been proposed that we will need to move towards an 80% TAFE or University credentialled...

Dr Deborah Hann
Dec 21, 20236 min read
The Enigma of leading
A Puzzle Leadership for lawyers is a hard nut to crack. It is a puzzle about how to write about lawyers learning to manage and to lead at...

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