Dr Deborah Hann
PhD., (Melb) LLB/B.Juris., Admitted to Practice as Barrister and Solicitor
At work and in life people strive to do their best. In doing this we all encounter success, challenges and disappointments. It is what we do about this is what counts.
Our focus is to empower you to appreciate the benefits to you and your workplace when you boost your Kind Leaderwork skills. And to acquire and use the vital self preservation skills needed to identify, protect yourself from and respond to unsafe and unkind work behaviours.
A Kinder workplace is one that notices and appreciates the efforts of its people to self-initiate better work. And then empowers them to sculpt their work role so as to leverage their unique strengths and talents.
A Smarter workplace identifies opportunities to achieve a mutual benefit by recognising and incorporating these work improvements into its working culture, processes and procedures.
A Smarter Kinder workplace has zero tolerance for psychosocial hazards. This is a fundamental change of thinking
Dr Deborah Hann, PhD., B.Juris/LLB, Admitted to Practise as Barrister and Solicitor, Signed Bar Roll, Diploma in Training and Assessment Systems, Diploma in Frontline Management, Horse Safety Instructor, MBTI Accredited, Life Coach, Undertaking Accreditation in E3a Certification.
26 January 2025
Finnigan has joined us recently. He was trained by Susan Paix, an experienced International Grand Prix rider. He is a calm intelligent horse who loves to please and needs consistent firm boundaries.

Skye is our big grey mare. Although bred as a performance horse Skye's love is to spend time quietly with our clients at walking pace. For the past 5 years she has worked with our NDIS clients enjoying quality time and chatting at her stable door.